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Shenanigans speak to the more "fun" part of fansubbing. They're often meant to be humorous or light-hearted, but can also be used to otherwise enhance the viewer's experience. This comes with risks however, as it is incredibly easy to overdo it.
When and what to avoid
- Overusing effect
- Implementing shenanigans that clash with the tone of the scene or show
- Using effects that may cause discomfort or accessibility issues for viewers
Timing-based shenanigans
- Fade effects
- Synchronized text appearance with on-screen events
- Staggered timing
Motion-based shenanigans
- Text following a character's movement
- Shaking or vibrating text
- Sub-on-sub violence, or having subtitles affect other subtitles
Background shenanigans
Shenganigans that play in the background, giving you more leeway to be creative.
Other types of shenanigans
- Font changes
- Color coding
- Easter eggs or hidden messages for attentive viewers