Project structure
By default,
it assumes the following directory structure:
Project Directory
| Project Directory # Root directory of the project
├── 01 # Directory for episode 1
│ ├── NewShow - S01E01 (Premux) [ABCD1234].mkv # Raw video file for episode 1
│ ├── NewShow 01 - Dialogue.ass # Main dialogue subtitle file for episode 1
│ ├── NewShow 01 - OP.ass # Opening song subtitle file for episode 1
│ ├── NewShow 01 - TS (Actor 1).ass # Typesetting subtitle file for Actor 1 in episode 1
│ ├── NewShow 01 - TS (Actor 2).ass # Typesetting subtitle file for Actor 2 in episode 1
│ ├── NewShow 01 - TS (Actor 3).ass # Typesetting subtitle file for Actor 3 in episode 1
│ └── fonts # Directory for episode-specific fonts
│ └── ...
├── 02 # Directory for episode 2
│ ├── NewShow - S01E02 (Premux) [ABCD1234].mkv # Raw video file for episode 2
│ ├── NewShow 02 - Dialogue.ass # Main dialogue subtitle file for episode 2
│ ├── NewShow 02 - TS.ass # Typesetting subtitle file for episode 2
│ └── fonts # Directory for episode-specific fonts
│ └── ...
├── ED1 # Directory for ending 1
│ ├── NewShow - ED1 (Premux) [ABCD1234].mkv # Raw video file for ending 1
│ ├── NewShow - ED1.ass # Subtitle file for ending 1 (includes both lyrics and typesetting)
│ └── fonts # Directory for ending-specific fonts
│ └── ...
├── OP1 # Directory for opening 1
│ ├── NewShow - OP1 (Premux) [ABCD1234].mkv # Raw video file for opening 1
│ ├── NewShow - OP1.ass # Subtitle file for opening 1 (includes both lyrics and typesetting)
│ └── fonts # Directory for opening-specific fonts
│ └── ...
├── common # Directory for common files
│ ├── fonts # Directory for fonts used across multiple episodes
│ │ ├── LinotypeFinnegan Medium.ttf # Default dialogue font
│ │ └── LinotypeFinnegan MediumItalic.ttf # Default dialogue font
│ └── warning.ass # Subtitle file containing a warning about rendering issues
├── gradle # Directory for Gradle build tool files
│ └── wrapper # Gradle wrapper directory
│ ├── gradle-wrapper.jar # Gradle wrapper JAR file
│ └── # Gradle wrapper properties file
├── # Project README file
├── build.gradle.kts # Gradle build script
├── # Gradle properties file
├── gradlew # Gradle wrapper script for Unix-like systems
├── gradlew.bat # Gradle wrapper script for Windows
├── settings.gradle.kts # Gradle settings file
└── # Subtitle properties file
Example of a real project structure
| Blue-Archive
|-- 01
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E01 (Premux) [A4B6D23B].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - OP.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - TS (Gry).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - TS (MSO).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - TS (Period).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 01 - TS (petzku).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 02
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E02 (Premux) [DCFED1AB].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 02 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 02 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 02 - TS (MSO).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 03
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E03 (Premux) [38000900].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 03 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 03 - TS (Light).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 04
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E04 (Premux) [3AA19D61].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 04 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 04 - Extra.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 04 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 04 - TS (petzku).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 05
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E05 (Premux) [83434195].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 05 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 05 - TS (Light).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 06
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E06 (Premux) [4F14C2AE].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 06 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 06 - Extra.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 06 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 06 - TS (petzku).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 07
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E07 (Premux) [3B0015AF].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 07 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 07 - TS (Light).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 08
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E08 (Premux) [A5674D39].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 08 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 08 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 08 - TS (petzku).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 09
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E09 (Premux) [C6C9D1E0].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 09 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 09 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- Whiteboard.ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 10
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E10 (Premux) [C077087E].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 10 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 10 - TS (Light).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 11
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E11 (Premux) [DC03E7BE].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 11 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 11 - TS (Light).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- 12
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - S01E12 (Premux) [1ADD8F6D].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive 12 - Dialogue.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 12 - INS.ass
| |-- BlueArchive 12 - TS (Light).ass
| |-- BlueArchive 12 - TS (petzku).ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- NCED1
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - NCED1 (Premux) [8C8AD616].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive NCED1.ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- NCOP1
| |-- Blue Archive The Animation - NCOP1 (Premux) [BE45148E].mkv
| |-- BlueArchive NCOP1.ass
| `-- fonts
| |-- ...
|-- build.gradle.kts
|-- common
| |-- fonts
| | |-- LinotypeFinnegan Medium.ttf
| | |-- LinotypeFinnegan MediumItalic.ttf
| | `-- RoGSanSrfStd-UB.otf
| `-- warning.ass
|-- gradle
| `-- wrapper
| |-- gradle-wrapper.jar
| `--
|-- gradlew
|-- gradlew.bat
|-- settings.gradle.kts