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Subtitle Properties


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The file is used to configure the build script. This file contains various settings that control how the subtitles are processed and how the final output is generated.

Basic Structure

The file is structured as an INI-like configuration file, with key-value pairs separated by an equals sign (=). Comments can be added using the hash symbol (#).

Key Sections

Release Information

  • Basic Information: Details about the release group, show title, and shorthand names.
  • Codec Information: Specifies video format, video codec, and audio codec.
  • Track Names: Defines names for individual tracks (video, audio, subtitles).
# Basic information
jp_title=Some random show

# Codec information
format=BD 1080p
vcodec=HEVC x265 10-bit
acodec=Opus 2.0
codec_info=${format} ${vcodec} ${acodec}

# Track names
atrack=Opus 2.0 @ 192 kb/s
strack_reg=Full Subtitles [${group}]
strack_hono=Honorifics [${group}]

File Configuration

  • Output Files: Naming conventions for muxed files and creditless versions.
  • Episode Configuration: Specifies episode range and chapter generation settings.
  • Script Components: File paths for subtitle components (dialogue, typesetting, inserts, warnings).
# Output files
title=[${group}] ${jp_title} - ${tvdb} - (${codec_info})
muxdir=[${group}] ${jp_title} S${season} (${codec_info})
muxout=${muxdir}/$title [$mux.crc].mkv

# Episode configuration

# Script components
dialogue=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - Dialogue.ass
extra=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - Extra.ass
TS=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - TS*.ass
INS=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - INS*.ass
notes=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - Notes.ass

Font Settings

  • Font Directories: Locations of episode-specific and common fonts.

OP/ED Settings

  • OP/ED Configuration: Configures opening and ending credit sequences, including episode usage and font locations.
  • Creditless Videos: Settings for NCOPs/NCEDs (creditless openings and endings).
OP1=${OP1}/${shorthand} - OP1.ass
ED1=${ED1}/${shorthand} - ED1.ass

NCOP1=${OP1}/${shorthand} - NCOP1 (Premux).mkv
NCED1=${ED1}/${shorthand} - NCED1 (Premux).mkv

Episode Metadata

  • Episode Numbering: Configures numbering scheme to match TVDB, including special episodes and absolute numbers.

Example Configuration

Below is an example of a typical file:

Default subtitle properties file

# Basic information.
### TODO: fill this in
group=Kaleido-subs                                  # Name of the release group
jp_title=                                           # Japanese title of the show (to be filled in)
shorthand=${jp_title}                               # Shorthand name, using the Japanese title
shorthand_pmx=${shorthand}                          # Shorthand name for premux files

# Codec info
format=BD 1080p                                     # Video format (Blu-ray, 1080p resolution)
vcodec=HEVC x265 10-bit                             # Video codec (HEVC x265 with 10-bit color depth)
acodec=Opus 2.0                                     # Audio codec (Opus 2.0 channel)
codec_info=${format} ${vcodec} ${acodec}            # Combined codec information string

# Specific names for individual tracks. Should match codec info.
vtrack=x265                                         # Video track name
atrack=Opus 2.0 @ 192 kb/s                          # Audio track name with bitrate
strack_reg=Full Subtitles [${group}]                # Regular subtitle track name
strack_hono=Honorifics [${group}]                   # Honorifics subtitle track name

# Show-related (output) files
title=[${group}] ${jp_title} - ${tvdb} - (${codec_info})  # Title format for regular episodes
{SP*}.title=[${group}] ${jp_title} - ${epabs} (${episode}) - ${tvdb} - (${format} ${vcodec} ${acodec})  # Title format for special episodes
premux=${episode}/*(Premux)*.mkv                    # Path pattern for premux files

muxdir=[${group}] ${jp_title} (${codec_info})       # Directory name for muxed files
muxout=${muxdir}/$title [$mux.crc].mkv              # Output filename for muxed files
ncmuxout=${muxdir}/Creditless/${muxout}             # Output filename for creditless (NC) muxed files

# Episodes and other basic features.
episodes={01..24}|SP{1..2}                          # Episode range, including specials
chapters=${dialogue}                                # Generate chapters from dialogue file

# Individual script components
dialogue=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - Dialogue.ass  # Path for dialogue subtitle file
extra=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - Extra.ass        # Path for extra subtitle file
TS=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - TS*.ass             # Path pattern for typesetting files
INS=${episode}/${shorthand} ${episode} - INS*.ass           # Path pattern for insert files
render_warning=common/warning.ass                           # Path for rendering warning file

## Per-episode fonts, e.g. typesetting
fonts=${episode}/fonts                              # Directory for episode-specific fonts
## Common fonts, e.g. dialogue and titles
common_fonts=common/fonts                           # Directory for common fonts used across episodes

# OP/ED scripts and episode numbers
## Common OP/EDs
{02..12}.OP_name=NCOP1                              # Opening 1 used in episodes 2-12
{13..24}.OP_name=NCOP2                              # Opening 2 used in episodes 13-24
{01..12}.ED_name=NCED1                              # Ending 1 used in episodes 1-12
{13..24}.ED_name=NCED2                              # Ending 2 used in episodes 13-24

OP=${OP_name}/${shorthand} ${OP_name}.ass           # Path for opening subtitle file
ED=${ED_name}/${shorthand} ${ED_name}.ass           # Path for ending subtitle file

## Fonts
opfonts=${OP_name}/fonts                            # Directory for opening-specific fonts
edfonts=${ED_name}/fonts                            # Directory for ending-specific fonts

# Creditless
ncs=NCOP{1..2}|NCED{1..2}                           # Creditless opening and ending patterns

ncsubs=${episode}/${shorthand}_${episode}.ass       # Path for creditless subtitle file
ncpremux=${episode}/${shorthand}_${episode} (Premux).mkv  # Path for creditless premux file
ncfonts=${episode}/fonts                            # Directory for creditless-specific fonts

## Episode numbers following TVDB.
### Moved to the bottom because it's very spammy.
tvdb=S${season}E${epnum}                            # TVDB episode numbering format

season=01                                           # Default season number
epnum=${episode}                                    # Episode number (same as episode variable)

### S00 episodes.
{SP*}.season=00                                     # Set season to 00 for all special episodes
SP1.epnum=01                                        # Episode number for Special 1
SP2.epnum=02                                        # Episode number for Special 2
SP3.epnum=03                                        # Episode number for Special 3

### S00 absolute-ish episode number, used for easier user readability.
SP1.epabs=07.5                                      # Absolute episode number for Special 1
SP2.epabs=12.5                                      # Absolute episode number for Special 2
SP3.epabs=25                                        # Absolute episode number for Special 3