Build script
The build script is the script
that reads all the subtitle properties
and uses them to merge subtitle files
and mux them into a single .mkv
The build script is located at ./build.gradle.kts
and can be called with the gradlew
This is what a default build script looks like,
with annotations added to explain each line.
Default build script
| import myaa.subkt.ass.*
import myaa.subkt.tasks.*
import myaa.subkt.tasks.Mux.*
import myaa.subkt.tasks.Nyaa.*
import java.awt.Color
import java.time.*
plugins {
// Retrieve the script's playRes values
fun ASSFile.getPlayRes(): Pair<Int?, Int?> {
return this.scriptInfo.playResX to this.scriptInfo.playResY
fun Provider<String>.getPlayRes(): Pair<Int?, Int?> {
return ASSFile(File(this.get())).getPlayRes()
// Check whether a string contains parts of a ktemplate
fun String.isKaraTemplate(): Boolean {
return this.startsWith("code") || this.startsWith("template") || this.startsWith("mixin")
// Check whether a line is part of a ktemplate
fun EventLine.isKaraTemplate(): Boolean {
return this.effect.isKaraTemplate()
// Check if a line is entirely blank (no text, actor, or effect)
fun EventLine.isBlank(): Boolean {
return this.text.isEmpty() && && this.effect.isEmpty()
subs {
readProperties("") // Read properties from file
episodes(getList("episodes")) // Get list of episodes from properties
// Merge all the individual script components
merge {
from(get("dialogue")) // Include the main dialogue file
if (propertyExists("OP")) {
from(get("OP")) {
syncSourceLine("sync") // Specify the sync line in the OP file
syncTargetLine("opsync") // Specify the target sync line in the main file
if (propertyExists("ED")) {
from(get("ED")) {
syncSourceLine("sync") // Specify the sync line in the ED file
syncTargetLine("edsync") // Specify the target sync line in the main file
fromIfPresent(get("extra"), ignoreMissingFiles = true) // Include extra file if present
fromIfPresent(getList("INS"), ignoreMissingFiles = true) // Include INS files if present
fromIfPresent(getList("TS"), ignoreMissingFiles = true) // Include TS files if present
fromIfPresent(get("render_warning"), ignoreMissingFiles = true) // Include render warning if present
includeExtraData(false) // Don't include extra data
includeProjectGarbage(false) // Don't include project garbage
// Try to set the LayoutRes values from the playRes values of the dialogue file.
// Falls back to 1920x1080 if not found
val (resX, resY) = get("dialogue").getPlayRes()
scriptInfo {
title = get("group").get()
scaledBorderAndShadow = true
wrapStyle = WrapStyle.NO_WRAP
values["LayoutResX"] = resX ?: 1920 // Set LayoutResX, default to 1920 if not found
values["LayoutResY"] = resY ?: 1080 // Set LayoutResY, default to 1080 if not found
// Remove ktemplate and empty lines from the final output
val cleanmerge by task<ASS> {
// ass { events.lines.removeIf { it.isKaraTemplate() or it.isBlank() } }
ass { events.lines.removeIf { it.isBlank() } } // Remove blank lines
// Generate chapters from dialogue file
chapters {
chapterMarker("chapter") // Use "chapter" as the chapter marker
// Run swapper script for honorifics and other swaps
swap {
styles(Regex("Main|Default|Alt")) // Apply swaps to these styles
// Finally, mux following the conventions listed here:
mux {
title(get("title")) // Set the title of the muxed file
// Optionally specify mkvmerge version to use
if (propertyExists("mkvmerge")) {
from(get("premux")) {
tracks {
include(track.type == TrackType.VIDEO || track.type == TrackType.AUDIO) // Include only video and audio tracks
video {
lang("und") // Set video language to undefined
name(get("vtrack")) // Set video track name
default(true) // Set as default video track
audio {
lang("jpn") // Set audio language to Japanese
name(get("atrack")) // Set audio track name
default(true) // Set as default audio track
forced(false) // Not forced
includeChapters(false) // Don't include chapters from premux
attachments { include(false) } // Don't include attachments from premux
from(cleanmerge.item()) {
tracks {
lang("eng") // Set subtitle language to English
name(get("strack_reg")) // Set subtitle track name
default(true) // Set as default subtitle track
forced(false) // Not forced
compression(CompressionType.ZLIB) // Use ZLIB compression
from(swap.item()) {
subtitles {
lang("enm") // Set honorific subtitle language to Middle English
name(get("strack_hono")) // Set honorific subtitle track name
default(true) // Set as default subtitle track
forced(false) // Not forced
compression(CompressionType.ZLIB) // Use ZLIB compression
chapters(chapters.item()) { lang("eng") } // Include chapters with English language
// Fonts handling
skipUnusedFonts(true) // Skip attaching unused fonts
attach(get("common_fonts")) {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf") // Attach common fonts
attach(get("fonts")) {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf") // Attach episode-specific fonts
// Get OP/ED fonts if necessary
if (propertyExists("OP")) {
attach(get("opfonts")) {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf") // Attach OP fonts
if (propertyExists("ED")) {
attach(get("edfonts")) {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf") // Attach ED fonts
out(get("muxout")) // Set output file name and path
// =================================================================================================================
tasks(getList("ncs")) {
merge {
from(get("ncsubs")) // Include NC subtitle file
scriptInfo {
title = get("group").get()
originalScript = get("group").get()
scaledBorderAndShadow = true
val cleanncmerge by task<ASS> {
// ass { events.lines.removeIf { it.isKaraTemplate() or it.isBlank() } }
ass { events.lines.removeIf { it.isBlank() } } // Remove blank lines
chapters {
chapterMarker("ncchapter") // Use "ncchapter" as the chapter marker for NC
mux {
title(get("title")) // Set the title of the muxed NC file
from(get("ncpremux")) {
tracks {
include(track.type == TrackType.VIDEO || track.type == TrackType.AUDIO) // Include only video and audio tracks
video {
lang("jpn") // Set video language to Japanese
name(get("vtrack")) // Set video track name
default(true) // Set as default video track
audio {
lang("jpn") // Set audio language to Japanese
name(get("atrack")) // Set audio track name
default(true) // Set as default audio track
includeChapters(false) // Don't include chapters from NC premux
attachments { include(false) } // Don't include attachments from NC premux
from(cleanncmerge.item()) {
tracks {
lang("eng") // Set subtitle language to English
name(get("strack_reg")) // Set subtitle track name
default(true) // Set as default subtitle track
forced(false) // Not forced
compression(CompressionType.ZLIB) // Use ZLIB compression
chapters(chapters.item()) { lang("eng") } // Include chapters with English language
skipUnusedFonts(true) // Skip attaching unused fonts
attach(get("ncfonts")) {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf") // Attach NC-specific fonts
attach(get("common_fonts")) {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf") // Attach common fonts
out(get("ncmuxout")) // Set output file name and path for NC
For more information on individual tasks,
see the tasks documentation.